Update from Administrator – June 19, 2020

Update from Administrator – June 19, 2020

June 19, 2020

June 18 began National C.N.A Week. There are not enough words to describe what these individuals do for our residents by keeping them safe, healthy, and happy. There are many jobs that these individuals could choose from, but they have chosen this profession due o their compassion and loyalty to healthcare. So, during this week and beyond, remember to thank a C.N.A whenever you have the opportunity. Most of their work and caring go unnoticed but their pride is in their residents. To all C.N.A’s out there keep up the good work and we thank you for your efforts.

As always, our team and I hope this email finds you safe and healthy. Another “thank you” for all the staff’s hard work, dedication, and compassion for all of our residents here. We remain incredibly grateful for our entire dedicated team and ask you to join me in ensuring that they are included as “Health Care Heroes” battling COVID-19.

Starting June 9, 2020, we are excited to offer in-person visits between residents and their families!  In accordance with our new policy, we will be offering outdoor social distancing visit options for residents to spend time with family, friends, and loved one.  As outlined in the Department of Public Health Care Memorandum to Nursing Homes dated June 1, 2020 the following are the stipulations and requirements:

Guidelines for Outdoor Social Distancing Visits

This facility is pleased that we are now able to facilitate outdoor social distancing visits between you and your loved one.  We recognize how stressful the visitor restrictions have been on our residents and their families/friends and we want this to be a successful and safe opportunity for all.   Procedures have been established with guidance from the MA. Dept. of Public Health, the MA. Dept. of Epidemiology and State Long Term Care Ombudsman Office and must be adhered to for the safety of our residents.


  • A resident who is suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 cannot be visited. A resident who has recovered from COVID-19 may be visited.
  • Prior to transporting a resident to the designated outdoor visitation space, the long-term care facility must screen the visitor for fever or respiratory symptoms. Any individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 infection (fever equal to or greater than 100.0 F, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, myalgia, chills or new onset of loss of taste or smell) will not be permitted to visit with a resident.
  • Transport of a resident to and from the designated outdoor visitation space must be safe and orderly. At a minimum, safe transport means that the resident cannot be transported through any space designated as COVID-19 care space or space where residents suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 are present.
  • A long-term care facility staff member trained in such patient safety and infection control measures must remain with the resident at all times during the visit.
  • Visitors must be limited to no more than two individuals. A visitor must remain at least 6 feet from the resident and attending staff member(s) at all times during the visit.
  • Staff and residents must wear a surgical face mask and visitors must wear a face covering or mask for the duration of the visit.
  • Visits with a resident in a designated outdoor space must be scheduled in advance and are dependent on permissible weather conditions, availability of outdoor space, and sufficient staffing at the facility to meet resident care needs, and the health and well-being of the resident.
  • A long-term care facility may limit the length of any visit, the days on which visits will be permitted, the hours during a day when visits will be permitted, and the number of times during a day or week a resident may be visited.


Reminder at this time Plymouth Rehabilitation & HealthCare Center will start scheduling in-person outdoor visitation starting June 9, 2020.  The following is the information about these visitations at our Center:

  • Days for scheduling in-person visitation are only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between the hours of 9am to 5pm daily at this time.
  • All appointments must be scheduled with the Director of Life Enrichment, Allison Michalski, by calling her directory at 508-927-3316 or by emailing her at recreation@plymouthrhcc.com a minimum of 48 hours prior to visit.
  • Visitors must arrive at least 10 minutes prior to visitation for proper screening by center (at the main front entrance).  All Visitors must be wearing facemask or facemask will be given before screening.
  • In-person visitation at this time will only have a duration of 20 minutes.
  • No more than two visitors during each in-person visit.
  • Visitors cannot transfer or exchange any items with residents.
  • Visitors must maintain 6 feet distance from residents and staff at all times (no physical contract).
  • To give residents opportunity to have visitations, all residents at this time can only have one in-person visit per week.
  • All visitations are weather permitting, and Center will do its best to contact visitors if cancelling is required due to weather.


Families Plymouth is still offering other options for visiting with your family member such as electronic devices and/or window visits that can also be scheduled with Allison by email or by phone.


Enjoy your time with your loved one and please comply with these safety guidelines as listed above.  If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to call or email me.


We currently still have zero positive residents in house but will discuss our numbers in more detail during our weekly call Town Hall Conference on Wednesday.  The state DPH visited our center on June 12th and June 16th and found us to be in compliance for PPE, staffing and infection control and prevention issues. We continue to follow all CDC and state guidelines and receive regular updates on new guidelines that are offered.


As a reminder. our next “Town Hall” meeting is scheduled for Wednesday’s weekly and we will discuss more detailed information on center updates. We encourage any residents and family members to contact Michelle Newcomb at 508-927-3344 with any questions you have about the care we are offering. Our commitment is to be as transparent as possible and work to address any issues that arise. This is an incredibly challenging time and we will continue to do all we can to get through this, together.

Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!

June 19, 2020 A Healthier Approach To Caring