Update from Administrator – February 5, 2021

Update from Administrator – February 5, 2021

February 5, 2021

Thank you all for your continued patience and kindness as we go through this crisis. This letter is a follow up to our center’s recent, temporary limitation on admissions. As you may remember, Massachusetts Department of Public Health has instituted additional safety precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic to limit admissions if a nursing home reaches a specific combination of positive residents and staff during a seven-day period.

Our center immediately submitted a Plan to DPH on how we would mitigate the risk and protect the health and safety of all our residents and staff, which was accepted. The temporary restriction has been lifted and we are again open to new admissions.

We are also excited to let you know that due to the low numbers in our immediate community and no cases within our center, we are again open to IN-PERSON visits, as well as virtual visits, and in-center group recreational activities for our residents!

As always, the health and safety of our residents and staff remain our highest priority, and we will continue to take proper precautions set forth by CDC and DPH to ensure that all residents and staff remain safe. We also continue to maintain strict infection control protocol such as hand washing, sanitizing of high traffic areas, and constant cleaning of the facility with the use of proper PPE.

Our third vaccination clinic is right around the corner, we are pleased with the success of our first two clinics, and we continue to do our part to ensure for everyone’s safety.
Thank you again for your patience and if there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me 508-927-3344 or email me at administrator@plymouthrhcc.com.

Michelle Newcomb

February 5, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring